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Behind the Scenes of a Calligraphy Workshop


If you've ever wondered what preparation goes into a calligraphy or brush-lettering workshop, now's your chance to find out!

Before every calligraphy workshop, supplies are ordered to make sure that everyone gets a straight calligraphy holder, two nibs, ink, and Beth Hunt Calligraphy practice sheets.

For brush lettering workshops, everyone receives two of Beth's favorite brush pens (linked below), a pad of quality paper suited for brush calligraphy, and Beth Hunt Calligraphy’s own alphabet templates and brush lettering practice sheets.

Most of these supplies are individually wrapped with lots TLC, so each of our students has their very own special supply kit to take home!

The two nibs that all calligraphy students receive have to be cleaned before use (they are covered in a wax-like coating to prevent them from rusty prior to use). We use a super fancy technique to clean them... toothpaste and a toothbrush!

Each nib is scrubbed with toothpaste and dipped into a bowl of water to rinse it off.

Next, once the nibs are dry, they are placed into small envelopes and taped shut (with fun patterned washi tape, of course).

Calligraphy can be a little messy sometimes, so paper towels are folded before each class to pass out when necessary.

Packets of templates and practice sheets for calligraphy classes and brush lettering classes are printed out and sorted.

Each student's name is hand-written by Beth on a place card and placed in front of their supplies before class starts.

Once everything is ready, we patiently await the arrival of our eager students!

Teaching workshops is one of Beth's favorite parts of her job. She loves to share the art of calligraphy!

Now that you know what happens behind the scenes of a workshop, we hope you're ready to try one out! Sign up for a workshop here.

Thanks for reading!

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