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Meet the Interns: Hannah


Meet our graphic design intern, Hannah! Hannah not only focuses on graphic design, but also helps prepare Beth's hand calligraphy to be digitized into print-quality files.

Where is your Hometown?

Oxford, Mississippi

What is your major?

I'm double degreeing in Journalism and English

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

The one thing I can't live without is my dog. I go home all the time so I

can see her. She's like my best friend.

What's your favorite food?

Anything my grandmother makes

Where's your dream vacation?

One thing that's on my bucket list is to see a Shakespeare play at the Globe

Theatre. Either that or go to Cuba or India. I'm very interested in both of their

cultures, so I'd love to go and just immerse myself in it.

Favorite part of your internship so far?

I really enjoyed getting to make designs for Instagram and Pinterest. Honestly

I liked getting to learn lots of new things that I didn't know before, especially when it came to the calligraphy.

What’s your favorite thing to do on a beautiful, sunny day?

Read. I love books, so anytime I can just sit down and just devour a new book, I take it.

What's something you're passionate about?

I'm very passionate about writing. One day I actually hope to write my

own books. I love the idea of creating something out of nothing or having

something tiny like a tea cup sitting on a table inspire an entire story or world.

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